Your college years may very well be the best years of your life. Sure, there will be hurdles and challenges, but they are all part and parcel of being in college. Even better, you get to cement friendships and get some help from your peers.
Here’s a different kind of assistance that you can get if you are in college in Dublin, Ireland: SIN E. This is a web site that is all about giving college students in the city what they want and need.
Do you need to find a cool but affordable place to live in during your college years? This site can help you with that. Are you nearing the end of your studies? Maybe you need some help with your CV and getting prepped for interviews. You can also find help at SIN E!
If you have particular concerns or questions, you can even drop the guys running the blog a line, and they will write a special post in reply. College students in Dublin, this is a must-visit!