I am not a fan of sports! When “sports handicapper” Jim Richard sent in his blog and I checked out his blog, my head went into a 360 spin, because I had no idea what a sports handicapper was. Thank goodness there is Google’s “define” function to save the day.
According to Google’s Definitions, a sports handicapper is:
- One who determines the conditions and sets the odds that will equalize two teams in an upcoming game.
- An expert in sports wagering who studies, analyzes, and ranks sports events or races.
- Odds-maker: someone who sets the betting odds based on calculations of the outcome of a contest (especially a horse race).
O-kay. Back to the blog review. If you are like me, a gurly gurl who has no clue and is totally allergic to red fonts, no paragraph breaks in some posts and pure oozing testosterone, stay away! But if you are one big fan of sports and national leagues, Big Jim knows his stuff and you’re bound to learn a thing… Or two… Or three, from his blog.
(Definitions Sources; links on the first words for every definition point.)