Love him or hate him, BryanBoy doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ about you, me, or the entire world’s opinion of him.
But we love him nonetheless.
Irreverent, cheeky, annoying, strangle-worthy, cuss-worthy, BryanBoy hates the same ground I walk on. I too despise the fact that wealthy houses sit side by side shanties; and I live smack dab in the midst of that disparity, but I would never have the guts to tell it like BryanBoy does.
I guess I like playing nice too much.
But BryanBoy surely doesn’t. He tells it like it is; and yet through the partying and the crazy opulence he parades, his soft side peeps once in a while. Like in the excerpt I attached.
Excerpts from
Isn’t that outrageous???? The risk this little girl is putting herself into is absolutely insane. She could be stepping on nasty shit… and look at those wires — the blue and red wires could be electrical wires, no? Also, the wall is smacked right beside the motorway… it’s not gonna be a pretty picture if she fell, god forbid.
To cut the story short, I felt absolutely horrible the entire day. MAJOR BONER KILLER, I’M TELLING YOU.
Which is strange because I take the same route EVERY TIME I go to the city… the same route I’ve been taking for YEARS.
I know I should be desensitized to things like this… heck, after all this time in the third world, I like to think I’m immune to it but no… it really DOES get to you when something so gut-wrenching like this is right in front of your face and in your camera. I know I encounter shit like this on a day to day basis and I don’t need to go far to see crap like this but one simply cannot (and should not) play blind, deaf and mute forever when reality slaps you on the face.
Extreme poverty is an integral part of my country’s DNA. One could paint a rosy picture all they want but even the thickest slab of MAC concealer won’t hide the humiliating existence of such crap.
Now don’t get me wrong. Wherever in the world you might be, we all have our own personal crosses to bear. We all have our own problems, health, family, love, whatever we need to attend to and we all have bills to pay at the end of the day. Shit, I don’t even log on to my brokerage accounts anymore to check how my portfolio is doing. When the markets end with a red instead of green, you just know it’s time to reach out for the happy pills!!!
The point that I’m trying to make here is that although we may think we’re doing “bad” or we’re not getting every single thing we want, there are people out there who are doing far worse than us. People whose main challenge in life is NOT to get a pair of fuschia Lanvin high-top sneakers or how to burn those 8,000 calories from the venti-sized Starbucks non-fat, no whipped cream, soy frappuchuchumocchaccino… but the CHALLENGE TO SURVIVE. God look at me go on a moral high horse and listen to me spit this bullcrap as if I didn’t knew about it till now. LOL.
But yeah…
It was so depressing.
I’ve had many sleepless nights the past week and my holiday season was somehow ruined because of it.
It’s been a busy week alright (my bloated gut will tell you otherwise) and believe it or not, I still have lots of unopened presents. If I encounter one more person whether online or real life asking me what I got for Christmas I’m gonna start shooting people Columbine-style.
It **IS** kinda sad that because of that particular image, it made me assess my current state of life and try to put things to perspective.