#inpursuitofhappiness by Dids Consing revolves around her tagline, Life is Short. Make fun of it.
This personal blog covers just about everything, but the short of it is that it’s a glimpse into the life of a wedding photographer who works like a well-oiled machine, ensuring that she has lots of free time. Time to write on her blog!
There’s a strong focus on Starbucks City mugs, which the blogger collects, and I am pretty sure she makes a lot of connections with this focus. That’s also an indication of her love for traveling, which she is lucky enough to do often.
The blog also covers a wide variety of experiences including a trip to watch the Singapore Grand Prix and her Linkin Park concert story. And, naturally, being a photographer is in her blood. Many of her posts touch on this subject as well.
For an entertaining read, give this blog a shot!