This week’s picking is a blog submission by Darian Burns, An Uncommon Grace. According to him:
“My blog seeks to reflect and challenge Christians into a deeper understanding of grace through the use of prose, art, literature, film, music and more.”
His blog includes a section of his work (Darian’s Poems and Songs), and the other sections are on inspiring Christians (Great Lives), inspiring tomes (Great Books), Darian’s current reading list, and even inspiring movies (Good Flicks).
Darian Burns’ blog is another venue for him to touch lives. He may not have been attentive enough to change the subtitle of his blog, but the template he chose, which displays links to the other pages on the top bar, makes things more accessible. And not only is the template clean, the content is so worth coming back to. It’s like warm, sweet, honey on a cold day: comforting, and brings back good memories.