I was sifting through all the blog submissions when I found a GEM of a blog, blog.WantingWhatYouHave.com. This is just so beautiful that I reserved it for the last day of February. The leap year day at that.
Heather, as her profile says, is “..a happily married, stay-at-home mother of two daughters, ages 5 and 15 months. [She] strives to live deliberately, in a way that brings glory to God, and shows respect for His Creation.”
And, her “..journal is about frugal, simple, more meaningful living.”
I love this blog because it helps mothers save costs, and it inspires future mothers like me to live lives that need not be too extravagant. I love this blog too, because it gives me an idea of how to clean my future house without being too overwhelmed. Who would have thought of taking a managerial approach to cleaning one’s house? Only Heather.
Though personally, I’d rather hire a maid if I had a house as big as hers. 😀 Hee.