Real Love. What is it exactly, and what would you do in order to have it?
A month and a day from now, it’ll be Valentine’s Day. Amidst all the flowers, candy, red, hearts, and all other things that are meant to be cherished in celebration of that thing called love, would you have any doubt as to what real love truly is?
If you do, then maybe this blog would point you in that direction. UA&P, in support of the “Real Love Revolution,” keeps this blog as a guidepost for the youth who might be raring to rush things in search of filling their love and belongingness needs.
Excerpt from UA&P’s I Keep Love Real blog:
Ever get depressed too fast after you hear a nice romantic song and you realize you aren’t with someone that means a lot to you?
Do you easily fall for guys who are sweet to you without bothering to know what they’re really like? And after that, you want to be with them already because you’re scared that the few great times you’ve texted with each other will disappear if you don’t get him chained to you? Do you let them kiss you and hold your hand even if you’ve just been hanging out for a few days?
Maybe its because you fall in love too easily. Don’t get me wrong. The person you’ll end up with is going to be one lucky bastard but the path going there is going to be long and rocky if you don’t learn how to take care of yourself first. See, the reason why you often get your heart broken is you don’t put value on yourself. When someone shows you an act of kindness or sweetness, you start thinking that you are so lucky to have someone like that in your life when the realily of the matter is, you just deserve to be treated like that, everyday. Everyone’s supposed to be kind and polite when they meet someone new. That is normal. There’s nothing special about that. Don’t be easily flattered.
Get a notebook, walk around the park, watch a movie or do whatever it takes to make you see firsthand what makes you such a damn great person. Never forget that. That way when someone does the moves on you, you won’t fall because you know you’re better than that.
You always are better to someone and unless you find that person who can see that and will make the extra effort to show you, not just some random moves, then please, do not settle. The smile deserves to be with someone who truly makes you happy.