What is the connection between Spirit, Mind, and Body? Well, more and more doctors are agreeing that a healthy mind and spirit are crucial to living a balanced, holistic lifestyle. “Mr. Bob” emphasizes the importance of a healthy spirit in this blog, and advocates moderation, from the perspective of Christianity.
Spirit, Mind & Body is “A Weblog Dedicated to the Healthy Human in all phases of life.”
Excerpts from Spirit, Mind & Body:
A healthy well-balanced life is not the easy way, it is the difficult path. It takes self-discipline and maturity. Although I know many healthy well-balanced adults that didn’t have a good upbringing, it helps to have been raised by well-balanced adults too.
At least for me, it is difficult to just read a book and learn how to be good person in all phases of life, one who loves God with all his heart and his neighbor as himself. I need people around me who struggle and succeed with this gift of life as mentors. I need examples and I know you do too. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel like I’ve “arrived”, but I do feel like I have many things to share about how to succeed in this journey we all share together, Spirit, Mind and Body.
-Mr Bob