Can you imagine how a female computer engineer thinks? How about a computer engineer-slash-housewife? What about a computer engineer-slash-housewife who lives in Egypt? Well then, this is your opportunity to peek into Laila Hussein-Shoukry’s life as she blogs about her thoughts, passions, life, and the tips and tricks (lifehacks) that she’s learned along the way.
Thoughts & Tips contains Laila’s “Poems, Articles, Life Experiences, Quotes I like or simply…. my thoughts. As a new HouseWife as well as a Computer Engineer, I have discovered some tips and tricks from the Internet and from my own experience that I would like to share with you!”
Excerpt from Thoughts & Tips:
Hey, did you know that the disaster that has always been hunting us students for decades does have a name??
And is even defined in wikipedia as the Student Syndrome !!!!! I also found it in most other online encyclopedias! Do you believe it?
When mum once told me about it when she was preparing her PHD, I couldn’t believe it, but yesterday I remembered the term and I googled it and it does exist!!!
It is so common that it became a medical expression.
I always said it was an illness, but nobody believed me!
Now I can prove that I was right !!!
And I am not alone, there are tons of people out there complaining from the same symptoms!
But how will we all find a SSS (Student Syndrom Specialist) now??
Well, here are some study tips that I have found, hope we can use them until we find one! (source)