We at Splashpress Media are quite fond of innovation. One of our goals, after all, is to keep things interesting. And coming out with new stuff every now and then is part of this.
When we acquired Blog Search Engine, we immediately thought of having the site compliment our growing network of blogs, portals and services by overhauling it into a “catalog” style of a search engine, with focus on relevant queries rather than just metrics and entries with short descriptions.
Along the way, though, the originally IceRocket-powered search engine gave out on us, and we weren’t able to resolve it. So we shifted to Google custom search, which we found to be adequate to our needs.
Of course, some of the functionality of the old site was lost, particularly the ability of any user to directly submit entries. This entailed massive spam problems, and we had headaches trying to clean the system of the hundreds of spammy draft entries we got each day. So for now, users can submit, and we manually add sites that we feel are relevant and worthy enough to be listed on BSE. But we do plan to revert to something more automated pretty soon.
So here’s a warm welcome to the new Blog Search Engine. BSE is still the “living and breathing” search engine of blogs because more than the search engine that powers the queries, it’s the humans behind it–you and us–that are truly powering the site.